Translations made by Flo Menezes


Poesia Sonora – Poéticas experimentais da voz no séxulo XX. Edited by Philadelpho Menezes, Educ, São Paulo, 1992. Translation (from the Italian) of texts by Ernest Robson, Dick Higgins and Giovanni Fontana.
ISBN: 85-283-0044-7.

Música Eletroacústica – História e estéticas.
Edited by Flo Menezes, Edusp, São Paulo, first edition 1996, second edition 2009. [See in > Books]
Besides his own texts: translation (from the Italian, French, German and English) of texts by Luigi Russolo, Edgar Varèse, Werner Meyer-Eppler, Henri Pousseur, Pierre Boulez, Bruno Maderna, Luciano Berio, Pierre Schaeffer, Carl Dahlhaus, Jean-Claude Risset, John Chowning and Philippe Manoury, and revision of translations (by Regina Johas) of texts by Karlheinz Stockhausen, Ernst Krenek, Herbert Eimert and Gottfried Michael Koenig.
ISBN: 85-314-0301-4.

Henri Pousseur: Apoteose de Rameau e outros ensaios (critical edition/translation of the main writings by Pousseur on harmony, with a foreword about the Belgian composer), Editora Unesp, São Paulo, 2009. ISBN: 978-85-7139-919-8.

Flo Menezes: Luciano Berio – Legado e atualidade
Editora Unesp Digital, São Paulo, 2015. Translation from the Italian of texts by Umberto Eco and Enzo Restagno (with the support of both authors).
ISBN: 978-85-68334-64-4 (digital). [See details above in > Books]

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