At the Studio PANaroma in September 2015.
Resting under a wonderful tree near São Francisco Xavier, Brazil, in July 2014. Photo: Tânia Rajczuk Dombi.
Composing Scritpio for violin solo at the very beginning of 2013 in the mountains of Maringá (Minas Gerais) and Visconde de Mauá (Rio de Janeiro). Photos: Tânia Rajczuk Dombi.
Visiting the Bertramka Museum in Prague (2010), where Mozart finished Don Giovanni. Photo: Tânia Rajczuk Dombi.
Composing at home (2005). Photo: Bruno Schultze.
Beethoven-like shadow in the walls of Pompei (2005).
Composing labORAtorio in 2003 at home.
Composing labORAtorio in 2003 at home.
Playing the piano (Brahms) at home in 2007. (See a video of this performance in > musical performances).
The Composer in the 1990ties.
Flo Menezes (left) with two poets in 1992: his father Florivaldo Menezes (middle) and his brother (Philadelpho Menezes).
Composing the (unfinished) orchestral work Ora while living in Cento, Italy, in 1991.
On November 1990, while finishing his stay as composer at the Studio für
elektronische Musik der Musikhochschule Köln, Germany.
Drawing of Flo Menezes “Lendo Trotsky sobre a mesa” (“Reading
Trotsky on the table”) by his former wife Regina Johas (1986).
Militant at the mixer (Studio PANaroma, ca. 2000). |
Listening to the others (ca. 2005). |
Ludwig van Meenezes: Flo Menezes approx. at the age of 17 years old.
Flo Menezes already as a Palmeiras football team fan in 1971 (9 years old) beeing fed by his Italo-Brazilian mother Elza Raphaelli.
At the age of his first pieces... |
... and of his first Scherzi. |