Some encyclopedias with specific references on Flo Menezes & relevant musicological essays on his music


Klangraum – 40 Jahre Neue Musik in Köln 1945-1985
Kölner Gesellschaft für Neue Musik, Wienand Verlag Köln, 1991, pp. 85-86.
ISBN: 3-87909-261-3.

Internationale Dokumentation elektroakustischer Musik
by Folkmar Hein and Thomas Seelig, Elektronisches Studio der Technischen Universität Berlin / Deutsche Gesellschaft für Elektroakustische Musik (DegeM), Pfau Verlag, Saarbrücken, 1996, p. 227. (Containing a list of his electroacoustic works until 1995).
ISBN: 3-930735-59-8.

História da Música no Brasil
by Vasco Mariz, Editora Nova Fronteira, Rio de Janeiro, 2000, pp. 485-486. (In which he is considered as the leader of the electroacoustic music in Brazil).
ISBN: 85-209-1050-5.

Die Symphonie im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
by Wolfram Steinbeck and Christoph von Blumröder, Handbuch der musikalischen Gattungen, Band 3, Teil 2, Laaber Verlag, Laaber, 2002. (In which, on page 306, his electroacoustic work Sinfonias is seen metaphorically as the last stage of the symphonic genre).
ISBN: 3-89007-542-8.

Coleção Cadernos de Pesquisa – músicacontemporânea-1: Flo Menezes
Edited by Vera Lúcia Donadio. Centro Cultural São Paulo, 2007, pp. 9-57.
ISBN: 978-85-86196-18-8.

Download this publication as PDF-file (in Portuguese, 436 KB)

Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik
Article by Ralph Paland: Personenartikel "Menezes, Flo", in: Die Musik in Geschichte und Gegenwart: Allgemeine Enzyklopädie der Musik, 2., neubearbeitete Auflage, Hg. Ludwig Finscher, Supplement, Bärenreiter/Metzler, Kassel/Stuttgart, 2008, pp. 546-547.
ISBN (Supplement): 978-3-7618-1139-9.

Download this article by Ralph Paland about Flo Menezes as PDF-file (in German, 292 KB), with kind permission of Bärenreiter Verlag

Música clássica brasileira hoje
by Sidney Molina, Publifolha, São Paulo, 2010, pp. 61-65.
ISBN: 978-85-7914-154-6.

Vorzeitbelebung – Vergangenheits- und Gegenwarts-Reflexionen in der Musik heute
Edited by Jörn Peter Hiekel; musicological essay by Ralph Paland on the musical aesthetics of Flo Menezes and on his works Sinfonias, Phantom-Wortquelle; Words in Transgress, and specially on Todos os Cantos; Wolke, Hofheim, 2010, pp. 128-139.
ISBN: 978-3-936000-85-6.

Flo Menezes
Long analytical essay (in German) on the composer and his works (26 pages) by Ralph Paland, in: KdG – Komponisten der Gegenwart, edition text + kritik im Richard Boorberg Verlag, Lieferung vom Juni 2014.


Einleitung [über Flo Menezes]
by Ralph Paland (in German), in: Flo Menezes, Nova Ars Subtilior – Essays zur maximalistischen Musik (see in books by Flo Menezes), Wolke Verlag, Hofheim (Germany), 2014, pp. 7-12.
ISBN: 978-3-95593-058-5.

Música de Duas Dimensões – Correspondências entre os Universos Instrumental e Eletroacústico
by Helen Gallo Dias, Editora Unesp Digital, São Paulo, 2014. ISBN: 978-85-7983-592-6 (digital). Analytical essay (in Portuguese) on his piece Profils écartelés.

Free download at:

Anamorfoses na Música Eletroacústica Mista
by Tiago Gati, Editora Unesp Digital, São Paulo, 2015. ISBN: 978-85-7983-707-4 (digital). Analytical essay (in Portuguese) on his piece Parcours de l'Entité.

Free download at:

Lexikon Neue Musik
by Jörn Peter Hiekel & Christian Utz (Hrsg.), Bärenreiter/Metzler, Kassel/Stuttgart, 2016, pp. 360, 656.
ISBN: 978-3-7618-2044-5.


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