Articles (selection) by Flo Menezes


"O que vem a ser o 'Sistema de Polarização' – a segunda menor é o átomo do sistema tonal". In: Newspaper "Viva há Poesia", published by the concret poets of São Paulo in 1979, p. 5. (Historical text, written in January 1979 at the age of 16: first publication in Portuguese about the theory of harmonic polarization).

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"Micro-Macro". In: Program notes for the world première of Micro-Macro – Liedforma de amor a Reg, MASP, São Paulo, on 9 November 1983. (Historical text in which the term "maximalism" – "manifesto maximalista" – was introduced for the first time).

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"Une poétique phénoménologique et structurale – Le rapport texte/musique chez Luciano Berio". (First publication about Berio in the Mitteilungen from the Paul Sacher Foundation). In: Mitteilungen der Paul Sacher Stiftung, Nr. 7, Basle, April 1994, pp. 34-37.

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"A espacialidade na Música Eletroacústica". (Written in December 94 / January 95). In: Revista ARTEunesp, Vol. 11, FEU (Fundação Editora da Unesp), São Paulo, 1995, pp. 53-61.

"Do som do tempo ao tempo do som". (Written in May 1995). In: Proceedings (Anais) of the "II SBC&M - 2nd Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music", Sociedade Brasileira de Computação, Canela, RS, July/August 1995, pp. 228-231.

Text (in English and in German) about Parcours de l'Entité. (Written in June 1995). In: H. Leopoldseder and C. Schöpf: Prix Ars Electronica 95, ORF, Linz, Austria, June 1995, pp. 184-185.

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"O Maximalismo comemora os 70 anos de Berio". (Written in December 1995). In: Suplemento Literário nº 11 (under the title: "Berio: 70 anos"), Secretaria de Cultura do Estado de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, March 1996, pp. 3-5.

"O papel e as limitações das escrituras". (First translation to Portuguese of the text "Le Rôle et les Limitations des Écritures", part of the book Luciano Berio et la Phonologie). In: ARTEunesp, Vol. 13, Editora Unesp, São Paulo, 1997, pp. 13-30.

"To be and not to be – Aspects of the interaction between instrumental and electronic compositional methods". (Written in December 1996). In: Leonardo Music Journal (as the Artist's Article), Vol. 7, the MIT-Press, USA, December 1997, pp. 3-10. Available (without musical examples) also at Internet.

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"La spatialité dans la Musique Electroacoustique – Aspects historiques et proposition actuelle". (Written between December 1995 and March 1997). In: L'espace: Musique / Philosophie, textes réunis et présentés par Jean-Marc Chouvel et Makis Solomos, Edited by Sorbonne, L'Harmattan, Paris, 1998, pp. 351-364. ISBN: 2-7384-6593-5.

"As vanguardas e os públicos". (Written in March 97). In: Revista Concerto, Ano III, n. 17, São Paulo, April 1997, p. 17.

"A Teoria da Unidade do Tempo Musical de Karlheinz Stockhausen". (Written in May 1997). In: Arte Brasil, Instituto de Artes da Unesp / Pós-Graduação, Ano 1, Nº 1, São Paulo, August 1998, pp. 81-85.

"A trajetória de vanguarda de Stockhausen". In: Caderno 2 of O Estado de São Paulo (under the title: "Compositor é o Beethoven do século 20"), February 7th, 1998, p. D-16.

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"A condição histórica da escuta à luz de Stockhausen". (Written in September 1998). In: Revista Concerto, Ano IV, n. 34, São Paulo, October 1998, p. 16.

"Response to book review". (Written in October 1998). In: Computer Music Journal, Volume 22 (Physical Modeling of Musical Instruments), Number 3, Fall 1998, The MIT Press, p. 4.

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"Neue Form und neue harmonische Techniken im Bereich instrumentaler und elektroakustischer Musik". (Written in June 1999). In: Komposition und Musikwissenschaft im Dialog III (1999-2001), Maurico Kagel, Flo Menezes et al., Signale aus Köln – Musik der Zeit, Band 6, Lit Verlag, Münster, 2003, pp. 33-60. ISBN: 3-8258-7161-4.

"As coisas, seus nomes e seus lugares". (Written in February 2001). Foreword to Arnold Schoenberg, Harmonia, Editora Unesp, São Paulo, 2001, pp. 9-18. ISBN: 85-7139-362-1.

"For a morphology of the interaction". (Written in February 2001). In English: Organised Sound – An International Journal of Music Technology, Volume 7, Number 3, Cambridge University Press, December 2002, pp. 305-311. ISSN: 1355-7718. In German: "Für eine Morphologie der Interaktion", in: Komposition und Musikwissenschaft im Dialog III (1999-2001), Maurico Kagel, Flo Menezes et al., Signale aus Köln – Musik der Zeit, Band 6, Lit Verlag, Münster, 2003, pp. 168-190. ISBN: 3-8258-7161-4.

"A estonteante velocidade da Música Maximalista – Música e física: elos e paralelos". (Written in September 2003). First published at Internet:

Download the definitive version of this article as PDF-file (in Portuguese, 112 KB) as published in the book Música Maximalista

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"Música de palabras – Entrevista a Flo Menezes". (Interview given to Jaime Eduardo Oliver in Lima, Peru, May 2004). In: Distancia Crítica, Ano 1, Número 2, Lima, Peru, August 2004, pp. 30-32.

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"Uma conversa com o compositor". (Lecture on his life and work given in 10 August 2004 at the Centro Cultural São Paulo). First published at Internet (as PDF file inside the menu "música brasileira contemporânea 1"):

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"Flo Menezes – Antologia pessoal". (Interview about his main ideas and tastes). In: Jornal O Estado de São Paulo, 23 January 2005, Caderno 2 / Cultura, D12.

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"Das ‘laborinthische’ Verhältnis von Text und Musik bei Luciano Berio". In: Musik-Konzepte 128 – Luciano Berio, edition text+kritik, München, IV/2005, pp. 24-41. ISBN: 3-88377-784-6. ISSN: 0931-3311.

"Sullinterpretazione della Musica Acusmatica". In: Program notes of the III Festival di Musica Acusmatica of Cagliari, Italy, June 2006, pp. 16-18.
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"Flo Menezes em conversa". (Interview with Leonardo Martinelli). In: Revista Concerto, Ano XI, n. 118, São Paulo, June 2006, pp. 18-19.

Text (in Portuguese) about PAN for orchestra for its world première on June 4th, 2006, and about Hymnen by Stockhausen. In: Program for this concert of the Orquestra Sinfônica Municipal de São Paulo, June 2006, pp. 18-19.

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Texts (in Portuguese) about the Musical Saison of the Theatro Municipal de São Paulo in 2006, about the following composers: Rossini, Franck, Respighi, Tchaikovsky, De Falla, Webern, Almeida Prado, Berg, Scriabin, Stravinsky, Dukas, Mozart, Rimsky-Korsakov, Albeniz, Rodrigo, Satie, Ravel, Villa-Lobos and Schumann. In: Temporada 2006 – Theatro Municipal de São Paulo, Secretaria Municipal de Cultura do Estado de São Paulo, 2006, 21 pages.

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"Odisséia eletroacústica". (TextInternet interview in Portuguese given to Humberto Pereira da Silva, July 2007). First published at Internet:,1.shl

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"O espaço e seus opostos". (First published in the book Música Maximalista). in: Rodrigo Duarte & Vladimir Safatle et alli, Ensaios sobre Música e Filosofia, Associação Editoral Humanitas, São Paulo, 2007, pp. 159-193. ISBN: 9788577320318.

"La voie du syncrétisme: sur la Musique Électroacoustique au Brésil". In: Circuit – Musiques Contemporaines, Volume 17, Numéro 2 (2007), Les Presses de l’Université de Montréal, Montreal, pp. 55-64. ISBN: 978-2-7606-2067-4. ISSN: 1183-1693.

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"Stockhausen é a além-música". (Article in Portuguese about the death of Karlheinz Stockhausen; written in December 2007). First published at Internet:,1.shl

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"A música de Flo Menezes". (Internet interview given to Nina Gazire, May 2008). First published at Internet:

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"Dos ouvidos para cima". (Article about the difference between popular and speculative music; written in July 2008). In: Revista Concerto, Ano XIII, n. 142, São Paulo, August 2008, p. 21.

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Watch to the video by Flo Menezes with the analysis of the construction and elaboration of this text.

"Por que escrever sobre a Música Eletroacústica?". In: Eloy F. Fritsch, Música Eletrônica – Uma Introdução Ilustrada, Editora da UFRGS, Porto Alegre, 2008, pp. 15-19. ISBN: 978-85-7025-999-8.

"O Livro do Ver(e)dito" (written in 2004); "Analogue versus Digital, did this fight ever exist? (Roundtable mit Flo Menezes, Jean-Claude Risset, Daniel Teruggi und Hans Tutschku am 9. Oktober 2004"; "Hommage an Henri Pousseur zum 75. Geburtstag" (Conversation in German with Pousseur et alii on 3 December 2004 in Cologne). In: Komposition und Musikwissenschaft im Dialog VI (2004-2006), Flo Menezes et al., Signale aus Köln – Musik der Zeit, Band 12, Im Verlag der Apfel, Wien, 2008, pp. 62-63; 65-94; und 101-115. ISBN: 978-3-85450-412-2.

"Stockhausen permanece". (Foreword to the Brazilian translation of Stockhausen's book "Stockhausen on music"). In: Karlheinz Stockhausen & Robin Maconie, Stockhausen Sobre a Música, Madras, São Paulo, 2009, pp. 13-28. ISBN: 978-85-370-0399-2.

"... e as utopias morrem mais um pouco: Henri Pousseur". (Article about the death of Henri Pousseur). In: Revista Concerto, Ano XIV, n. 149, São Paulo, April 2009, p. 19.

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"Von B-A-C-H zu C-A-G-E – Das unendliche Ende einer merkwürdigen Betreuung". (After the death of Henri Pousseur). In: MusikTexte 121 – Zeitschrift für Neue Musik, Köln, May 2009, pp. 44-46. ISSN: 0178-8884.

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" means(,) old meanings...". (Essay presented as lecture at the EMS'09 in Buenos Aires, Argentine, in May 2009). First published at Internet:

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"Ressonâncias". (Interview to Maurício Ayer about Chopin, Schumann, Mahler, Brahms etc.; see the full recording in the menu Lectures). In: Program of the 41. Festival Internacional de Inverno de Campos do Jordão – A Música e seus Diálogos, Secretaria de Cultura do Estado de São Paulo, São Paulo, July 2010, pp. 81-84. (Listen to the full interview under >lectures and (audio-) documents).

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"Komplexe Einfachheit – Ein Gespräch mit dem Komponisten Flo Menezes". (Interview in German to Hans-Peter Jahn by the occasion of the world première of Retrato Falado das Paixões). In: ECLAT 2011 – Festival Neue Musik Stuttgart (Programm), SWR2 & Musik der Jahrhunderte, February 2011, pp. 26-29 (followed by an interview with theater régisseur Marcelo Gama Cardoso about the work by Flo Menezes).

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"Música para ouvir (e ver)". (Interview to Alexandre Charro about his ideas and his aesthetical approach). In: +SOMA 023, São Paulo, May 2011, pp. 58-65. (Listen to the full interview under >lectures and (audio-)documents).

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"Uma câmera aberta para a música radical". (In Portuguese and in English translation; text about the Brazilian ensemble Camerata Aberta). In: CD "Espelho d'água" of the Camerata Aberta, São Paulo, 2011, Selo SESC, 12 pages.

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"Adorno e o paradoxo da Música Radical". In: Theodor W. Adorno, Introdução à Sociologia da Música, Editora Unesp, São Paulo, 2011, pp. 13-43. ISBN: 978-85-393-00061-7.

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"The timelessness of Maximal Music". In: Proceedings of the 38. International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2011, University of Huddersfield, UK, 31 July - 5 August 2011, 2011, pp. 437-440. ISBN: 978-0-9845274-0-3.

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"Les trois passions des trois temps". (Essay about Retrato Falado das Paixões). In: Synergies (Brésil), Numéro 9 / Année 2011 – Revue du GERFLINT, Paris / São Paulo / Montréal, December 2011, pp. 91-102. ISSN: 1518-8779.

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Also published at Internet:

and there look at "Synergies Brésil":
9 - Musique des mots et mots en musique; Créations, culture urbaine et formation

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"Anedotas de vida e morte". (About the death of Karlheinz Stockhausen). In: Gustavo Alfaix, Em Busca do Som – A Música de Karlheinz Stockhausen nos Anos 1950, Cultura Acadêmica Editora (Editora Unesp), São Paulo, 2011, pp. 15-18. ISBN: 978-85-393-0207-9.

"Tolerância, diferenças e radicalidade – Entrevista com o compositor Flo Menezes". (Interview to Camila Frésca on the occasion of the 50th birthday of the composer). In: Revista Concerto, São Paulo, April 2012, pp. 18-20. ISSN: 1413-2052.

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"Uma reflexão dinâmica sobre Pousseur – conversa entre Flo Menezes e Rodolfo Valente". (Interview given to Rodolfo Valente about Apostrophe et six réflexions by Henri Pousseur). In: Rodolfo A. D. V. Valente, Generalização da periodicidade – Um estudo sobre Apostrophe et six réflexions, de Henri Pousseur, Cultura Acadêmica Editora (Editora Unesp), São Paulo, 2012, pp. 131-141. ISBN: 978-85-7983-286-4.

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"Senha e contrassenha". In: Livio Tragtenberg (org.), O Ofício do Compositor Hoje, Editora Perspectiva, São Paulo, 2012, pp. 91-101. ISBN: 978-85-273-0947-9.

"Flo Menezes – Um músico maximalista". (Article about the composer followed by an interview to Alice Giraldi). In: UnespCiência (Magazine), São Paulo, September 2013, pp. 6-11.

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"Cálculo e expressão – 6 perguntas para Flo Menezes". (Interview to Manuel da Costa Pinto for the newspaper Folha de São Paulo). In: Folha de São Paulo (Guia da Folha), São Paulo, August 31, 2013, pp. 30-31.

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"Arnold Schönberg e a hegemonia do pensado". In: Jorge de Almeida & Wolfgang Bader (orgs.), O Pensamento Alemão no Século XX, Volume III, Editora Cosacnaify, São Paulo, 2013, pp. 135-160. ISBN: 978-85-405-0518-6.

"Luciano Berio". (Long essay about the music of Luciano Berio). In: Nicolas Donin & Laurent Feneyrou (direction scientifique), Théories de la Composition Musicale au XX. Siècle, Volume 2, Symétrie, Lyon (France), 2013, pp. 1095-1120. ISBN: 978-2-914373-60-9.

"Modelling the live-electronics in electroacoustic music using particle systems". (Written in collaboration with André Perrota & Luis Gustavo Martins). In: Proceedings of the 40. International Computer Music Conference (ICMC) 2014, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Athens, Greece, 14-20 September 2014, 2014, pp. 363-370. ICMA-ISBN: 978-0-9845274-3-4.

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"Flo Menezes – El arte de entender la electroacústica". (Interview given to Saúl Rodríguez). In: Siglo Nuevo, n. 247, Santiago, Chile, November 2014, pp. 66-69.

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"Suma teleológica da composição musical: por uma breve sociologia da recomposição". In: Guilherme Nascimento & José A. Baêta Zille & Roger Canesso (orgs.), A Música dos Séculos 20 e 21, Série Diálogos com o Som, Volume I, EdUEMG, Barbacena (MG), 2014, pp. 61-72. ISBN: 978-85-62578-49-6.

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"A inversão das distâncias – Do som do corpo ao corpo do som". In: Revista Música Hodie, Goiânia, Vol. 14, n.1, December 2014, pp. 39-48. ISSN: 1676-3939.

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"Duas décadas de Studio PANaroma". (Text about the history of the most important Studio for Electroacoustic Music in Brazil, founded by Flo Menezes in July 1994, celebrating its 20 years). In: Revista Vórtex, Curitiba, Vol. 2, n.2, December 2014, pp. 1-18. ISSN: 2317-9937.

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"Le Studio PANaroma – 20 ans d'histoire". In: LIEN – Revue d'Esthétique Musicale, Volume VII – 2015, Musiques & Recherches, Ohain, Belgium, May 2015, pp. 9-20.

Download this article as PDF-file (in French, 2,6 MB)
or the whole Revue at the internet:

"Gilberto, persona gratíssima". (Text in homage to the Composer Gilberto Mendes). In: II Festival de Música Contemporânea Brasileira, Anais, Campinas, May 2015, pp. 57-63.

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or at the internet:

"Transgresso e Intertensão – 5 Fragmentos para o Entendimento de uma Transmodernidade". In: Flávia Nascimento Falleiros & Márcio Scheel (orgs.), Reflexões sobre a Modernidade, Paco Editorial, Jundiaí (SP), 2014, pp. 233-249. ISBN: 978-85-8148-819-6.

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"…new means(,) old meanings…". In: Resonancias – Revista de Investigación Musical,Vol. 19, n. 36, enero-junio 2015, Instituto de Música – Facultad de Artes, Pontifícia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, first semester 2015, pp. 121-130.

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or the whole Revue at the internet:

"Arte Conceituando". (Interview given to João G. Rizek in São Paulo, September 2015). Published at internet:

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"Suma teleológica da composição musical: por uma breve sociologia da recomposição". In: Marcos Lacerda (org.), Música, Coleção Ensaios Brasileiros Contemporâneos, Funarte, Rio de Janeiro, 2016, pp. 311-322. ISBN: 978-85-7507-178-6.

"Grand Écart". (Tex in Portuguese about the work by Flo Menezes in the booklet of the Digital Label OSESP). In: Selo Digital OSESP "Estreias Osesp 2015", São Paulo, 2016. Work: Grand écart.

Available for free download at:

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"Nepomuceno: compositor... nacionalista?". (Tex in Portuguese and in English translation about the string quartets of the Brazilian composer Brazilian Alberto Nepomuceno). In: CD "Alberto Nepomuceno" of the Quarteto Carlos Gomes, São Paulo, 2016, Selo SESC, 8 pages.

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"Carta Aberta à Revista Piauí". (Public response to a stupid article published by Revista Piauí in December 2016). In: Revista Piauí_126, March 2017, p. 77.

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Text in Portuguese and in English translation for the CD of the Orquestra Jovem do Estado de São Paulo (OJE) with works by Flo Menezes, Bartók and Kodály. In: CD "Mandarim Maravilhoso" of the orchestra OJE, São Paulo, 2017, Secretaria de Cultura do Estado de São Paulo, 25 pages.

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"‘Quelques visages de Visage’ – Colloquio con Flo Menezes (1993)". In: Luciano Berio, Interviste e Colloqui, Einaudi, Torino, 2017, pp. 281-288. ISBN: 978-88-06-19956-2. (Translation in Italian by Vincenzina Caterina Ottomano of the same interview with Berio made on 22 August, 1989, and published in its original language (French) in 1993 in the book Un essai sur la composition verbale électronique "Visage" de Luciano Berio – see above –, pp. 131-139).

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"Quase uma Utopia". (Text about the book Quasi una Fantasia by Theodor W. Adorno). In: UnespCiência, São Paulo, Ano 9, n.9, August 2018, pp. 29-32.

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"Vergonha!". (Political text in opposition to the election of Jair Bolsonaro as President of Brazil). Digital published In: Revista PUB – Diálogos Interdisciplinares, Ano 1, Vol. 1, November 2018, pp. 14-17.

Link internet to this article: click here!

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Text for the converture of the book by Philadelpho Menezes:
Coisias reunidas
Educ & Laranja Original, São Paulo, 2019.
ISBN: 978-85-283-0631-6.

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"Invention is not taught". (Text – in English and in Portuguese – about the teaching of Musical Composition). In: Revista Vórtex | Vórtex Music Journal, Universidade Estadual do Paraná, March 2020.
ISSN: 2317-9937.

Link internet to download thisarticle as a PDF-file: click here!

Link internet to this article: click here!

Also published in May 2020 at the site "A terra é redonda":
Link internet to this article: click here!

"NOJO! Uma barata em nosso prato!". (Political text in opposition to the neofascist government of Jair Bolsonaro in Brazil). Digital published In: Revista PUB, May 2020.

Link internet to this article: click here!

"TransLieder". (Tex in Portuguese about the work by Flo Menezes in the booklet of the Digital Label OSESP). In: Selo Digital OSESP "Estreias Osesp 2019", São Paulo, 2020. Work: TransLieder.

Available for free download at:
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"Trotsky, as Artes e a Cultura e suas influências no trotskismo brasileiro de Mário Pedrosa". (Tex presented in the political meeting "León Trotsky – vida y contemporaneidad. Un abordaje crítico” in La Habana, Cuba, in May 2019).

Initially published digitally in the "Boletim Classista" (organized by Osvaldo Coggiola) numbers 25 & 26 in July 2020:
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Also published in August 2020 at the site "A terra é redonda":
Link internet to this article: click here!

"Do maximalismo e outras máximas – Entrevista com Flo Menezes no Studio PANaroma em junho de 2016". (Flo Menezes interviewed by Jorge Santos). In: "ORFEU", v. 5, n. 1, september 2020, pp. 595-638.

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Also published at the internet:
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"O blefe de Beethoven".

class="names">Published on 24 December, 2020 at the site "A terra é redonda": Link internet (site) to this article: click here!

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"Ideologia e invenção musical". Foreword for the book by Danieli Verônica Longo Benedetti: As sociedades musicais francesas do início do déculo XX. Alameda Casa Editorial, São Paulo, 2020, pp. 9-13. ISBN: 978-65-86081-86-2.

"Stockhausen, Karlheinz". (Entry on the relationship between Stravinsky and Stockhausen) In: The Cambridge Stravinsky Encyclopedia, edited by Edward Campbell & Peter O'Hagan, Cambridge University Press, 2021, pp. 443-4. ISBN: 978-1-107-14087-5 Hardback.

"Depoimento de Flo Menezes à UOL sobre a Semana de Arte Moderna de 1922".

Published on 14 February, 2022 :

Link internet (site) to this phrase: click here!

"Entre a cruz e a espada? – Por uma pré-análise política e ideológica das eleições de 2022".

Published in March, 2022 at Pasquinagem and in May, 2022 in the site "A terra é redonda":

Link internet (site) to this article: click here!

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"The Studio PANaroma and Electroacoustic Music in Brazil". In English: Computer Music Journal, Volume 46, Number 1/2, The MIT Press, Spring/Summer 2022, pp. 108-119. ISSN: 0148-9267.

Link internet (site) to this article: click here!

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"O objeto da Arte é muito mais complexo do que uma prescrição ideológica do que é ou não positivo".

Published on November 16, 2023 at Com Ciência – Revista Eletrônica de Jornalismo Científico:

Link internet (site) to this interview given to Bruno Vaiano: click here!

"A ruptura Trotsky-Pedrosa e seus reflexos no Marxismo no Brasil". In: Fernandes, Renato; Monteiro, Márcio Lauria; Romão, Morgana M.; Rossignoli, Ícaro (ed.), II Encontro Internacional Leon Trótski – August 2023, São José do Rio Preto: Práxis Editorial, 2024, pp. 723-758. ISBN: 978-65-01-04766-9

Available for free download at:
or at:

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"Lenin's cultural internationalism". In: Revolutionary Marxism 2024 – A Journal of Theory and Politics,Special annual English edition, Beyoğlu/İstanbul, 2024, pp. 87-102.

Available for free download at:

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"O internacionalismo cultural de Lenin". In: Osvaldo Coggiola (org.), O Legado de Lenin: Cem Anos da Morte de Vladimir I. Lenin (1924-2024), São Paulo: LF Editorial, 2024, pp. 66-78. ISBN: 978-65-55-634310

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